
1、"the people that knock me down only make me stronger。" (想要打击我的人只会让我更坚强。)

2、"when you have something so precious with someone, the whole world doesn't need to know about it" (当你和某个人之间拥有那么宝贵的感情,根本不需要让其他人知道。)

3、"anybody who puts me down, only inspires me。赛琳娜·戈麦斯。" (任何贬低我的人,只会启发我。)

4、i've lost a lot of friends, but it made me see who my true friends are。" (我失去过很多朋友,不过正因如此才让我更清楚知道谁才是真朋友。)

5、"it`s not as glamorous as it looks。 i don`t do it for the glamour。 i really do it because i love acting。" (当演员不是表面看起来那么光鲜亮丽。赛琳娜·戈麦斯。我当演员不是为了成名的。我当演员是因为我爱演戏。)

6、"be yourself always, there`s no one better!" (永远做自己,没有谁比你自己更好!)

7、"it's important to always say thank you to your bff。" (记得常常对你的闺蜜道谢。)

8、"i was never the girl who thought i need to make sure i look like all the other girls。 i think you look best when you stand out。" (我从来都不是那种觉得自己必须跟随潮流的女孩。我觉得做自己就是最好看。)

9、"i’m pretty confident in who i am。 i know that for parents everywhere, it’s my job to be a role model, and i’m going to do the best i possibly can。" (我对自己很有自信。我知道对家长而言,我的工作是当一个好榜样,而我会尽力做到最好。)

10、"i'm a kid, i'm a teenager, so if something makes me mad, i wanna be like, "that pissed me off" or "i don’t like that"(我还只是个孩子,我只是个青少年,如果有什么事惹我生气,我也会希望可以很孩子气地说「我生气了」或「我不喜欢」。)

11、"i'm kind of lame。 i prefer quiet evenings at home, hanging out with my family。" (我蛮无趣的。我喜欢晚上安静地待在家里,和家人一起。)

12、"faith makes all things possible, not easy。" (信心是令所有事情都有可能,而不是变简单。)

13、"i'm dating myself now — i think if you don’t love yourself first, no one else will love you。" (我现在在和自己约会,我认为如果你首先都不爱你自己的话,那么也就没有人会爱你的。)

14、"if you truly love something let it go, if it es back it was meant to be。" (如果你真的很爱某样东西,你就要放手,如果它回来那才是属于你的。)

15、"tough time don't last, tough people do。" (难熬的时刻不会延续的,坚强的人却会一直坚持著。)

16、"my perfect guy wears converse, is totally laid back, and doesn`t worry about being cool。" (我的理想情人是一个会穿converse,很不拘小节,从来不担心自己看起来有没有帅的男生。)